Thursday, January 27, 2011

About Me

My name is Cody Miller, and I'm an English Education major at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.  I attended Whitehall High School, a middle size suburban high school located in the heart of Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley, right outside of Allentown.  I have no degrees or certifications to speak of, no wife, no kids, no responsibilities besides waking up and going to class in the morning.  And these are the same reasons why I am honest and upfront, and have no reason to hide how I really feel about a topic.  So here it is:

I am passionately irreligious, vehemently liberal, non-patriotic, non-capitalist, though not quite socialist.  I believe civil and human rights trump religion and tradition EVERY TIME.  I have no tolerance for intolerance, especially when law or scripture substantiates the intolerance.  I believe that victimless crimes aren’t crimes.  I am a realist, though a moralist as well as a hopeful idealist.

This blog is a place for me to share my opinions.  That being said, I’d love to hear any sort of input.  I embrace debate and will gladly respond to anyone who cares to post a thoughtful, respectful response to any of my entries.  Thank you for getting this far everyone!  I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

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